Sunday, April 17, 2011


16 April- tanggal pasaran.-_- maaf buat kalian yang lahir tanggal ini. Dan kebetulan kemaren gue ga buka/mainin komputer, dan jadi semua ucapan ada kata kata 'belated' atau yang disebut dengan 'telat'. Saya bermaksud untuk mengucapkannya di blog (orang yang saya kenal saja)

1. Happy 13 birthday for Dharma Yudha Satria & Muhammad Fadhil Syahputra (both are my 6th grade classmates), and Rizky Nurulamien Adikusumo (7a student, ex-6e Soedirman elementary school). May Allah bless you and success. :D

2. Happy 14th birthday for Avianto Widyoseno (ketua kabid seni, 8th grade). Be patient, longlive, be the best for your family, and be good to Kabid Seni's member. Allah bless you. And wish the Pensi success because of you. :D

3. Happy birthday for Irshadi Bagasputro (i don't know his full name, i'm not his biggest fan)

Nah........... Now for today, there's 2 couple (?) no, they are not couple. But as the gossip, mereka pernah pacaran-_- They are....................:

1. Rona Firda Raisha's 13th birthday. Semoga makin cantik, pinter, sayang sama ortu, dan sukses selalu. Amin :*

2. Salsabil Dwi Kusuma Prasetyo: Happy 13th birthday Alsa! Wish you success in subjects, smarter, and may Allah bless you. ;)

Semoga doa doa gue di kabulin. Amiiiiiiiiiiiin.

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