Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Post Cacat.

Hey semua pembaca, gua minta maaf banget, dari semua post ada satu post gua yang cacat banget, yang Thursday 26th May 2011 itu. Font nya berantakan. Padahal ceritanya seru!! Maaf banget deh. But the next won't be like that. Thanks for reading! ☺


See? My photos in facebook already 999 and if one of my friend tag a photo it will be 1000! Woohoooooooo :D

Gapenting ya? Oke gapapa sekian post dari saya. Salam ZerMan 24!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Isi Cbox Putri

EEEEEEEEEEEEEH masa ya ada yang berantem di cbox nya putri. Gadeng, ini kerjaan anak anak cerdan nan pintar, gue dan Hani. HAHAHA. Yang pertama mulai sih si Hani. Terus sorenya di EF gue ke iLab dan udah selesai ngerjain tugas. Iseng deh buka blognya putri dan ngelanjutin itu cbox. Alhasil banyak yang tertipu dan tertawa. HAHAHAMPOSSSSSS.

Ini yang pertama, lanjutannya........

Kalo mau liat lebih lengak mending baca langsung di cbox nya puter.

Ini gak beneran, ini cuma mainan. No offense ya. Lagian yang namanya ditulis juga ga marah kok. Kan kak Arkan dan Putri pasangan yang baik :D Terus komentar para pembaca.....


Thursday, May 26th 2011.

Yes today is Thursday, so yesterday will be Friday! It's Rebecca Black's song yeaaah~~ Next week, my school held an UKK or ujian kenaikan kelas. Argh, I need more time in 7th grade :( Of course, i want to flashback. Today is the 4th day before the UKK. Oh dear, this is so parah-_- I don't think my score would be good but I'll do as I can! Pray for me guys. Wish me luck!!

But after the UKK, I'm not free yet. There's Alqur'an test. Here, you have to read the Holy Book of Islam. In the next three days, there will be Test Diknas. It's a test from the Government of Education. It's kinda hard but I'm success on the latest test from Diknas! :D

After the Diknas Test........ Finally I'm F.R.E.E. I can do anything and everything I want. Jump from the classroom, kick the computer, and what else? Haha. Waitwait, I forgot abuot Class Meeting. There's many kind of competition, starts from designing foods and story telling. In this time, I want to join the story telling competition but I want to make the wall magazine too. I'm so galau. Which one? -_,-

Today I'm a bit late for school. And when I sit, the boys were started to ngelawak. They changed their seats, like Aghis move to Sulthan's chair and Sulthan move to Aghis's. Marcell and Ian did it to, and the three other boys didn't do this. Good work -..-

If Aghis was Sulthan, he has to used sulthan's eyeglasses and he looks like 'engko-engko' china. Or China Glodok. HAHA. But his face....... Oh it's so magical!! The first lesson was Ma'am Achie class, it's conversation. Cause she's the teacher of my class, she makes something. She gave us paper and we wrote our name on the top of it. This paper is full of the comments, comments about me from the creatures on Mazef+Ma'am Achie. First, we collect all the paper and Ma'am Achie spread it. The first paper I got was Ma'am Achie's paper. I'm so panic cause I don't know what should I write-_- But because i'm telling the truth, yes I wrote everything about her. :D

This is the picture, I scan it. :')

That's what they said. Click to enlarge the photo. :D Wait wait, yang tulisan "jelek, tukang fitnah" itu diemin aja. Itu tulisan orang yang envy sama gue. Haaa dasar sipit.

Anyway I wrote this post on thursday then i copy-paste it to ms word. Hehe

Oya, today i got a letter. It's about holiday. YEAAAAAAAAH. There won't be school until sunday and we're back on monday. Happy Holiday~

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dasar Kau Google Chrome.

Heyyyyy gua lagi bersedih nih. Soalnya.......... MULAI DETIK INI, GUA GABAKAL NGE POST APAPUN DI BLOG VIA GOOGLE CHROME KARENA TIDAK BISA MEMASUKKAN FOTO. Hell you google chrome! bukan foto doang, gede in font juga gabisa. Anjer kesel gue.

Dannnnnn............. Nanti post gua bakal muncul lagi dan yang jelas gua bakal make MOZILLA FIREFOX yang lebih terjamin kelangsungan hidupnya.

Sekian dan terimakasih.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Last Thursday

Yes today is Thursday, so yesterday will be Friday! It's Rebecca Black's song yeaaah~~ Next week, my school held an UKK or ujian kenaikan kelas. Argh, I need more time in 7th grade :( Of course, i want to flashback. Today is the 4th day before the UKK. Oh dear, this is so parah-_- I don't think my score would be good but I'll do as I can! Pray for me guys. Wish me luck!!

But after the UKK, I'm not free yet. There's Alqur'an test. Here, you have to read the Holy Book of Islam. In the next three days, there will be Test Diknas. It's a test from the Government of Education. It's kinda hard but I'm success on the latest test from Diknas! :D

After the Diknas Test........ Finally I'm F.R.E.E. I can do anything and everything I want. Jump from the classroom, kick the computer, and what else? Haha. Waitwait, I forgot abuot Class Meeting. There's many kind of competition, starts from designing foods and story telling. In this time, I want to join the story telling competition but I want to make the wall magazine too. I'm so galau? Which one? -_,-

Today I'm a bit late for school. And when I sit, the boys were started to ngelawak. They changed their seats, like Aghis move to Sulthan's chair and Sulthan move to Aghis's. Marcell and Ian did it to, and the three other boys didn't do this. Good work -..-

If Aghis was Sulthan, he has to used sulthan's eyeglasses and he looks like 'engko-engko' china. Or China Glodok. HAHA. But his face....... Oh it's so magical!! The first lesson was Ma'am Achie class, it's conversation. Cause she's the teacher of my class, she makes something. She gave us paper and we wrote our name on the top of it. This paper is full of the comments, comments about me from the creatures on Mazef+Ma'am Achie. First, we collect all the paper and Ma'am Achie spread it. The first paper I got was Ma'am Achie's paper. I'm so panic cause I don't know what should I write-_- But because i'm telling the truth, yes I wrote everything about her. :D

This is the picture, I scan it. :')

Thursday, May 26, 2011

test kelereng

Kelereng: Apa salahku........apa salah ibuku?! Kenapa Nano benci aku? :'(

#NowPlaying Cari Jodoh by Wali.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Things I Love and I Hate.

I'll make it 20.

Top 20 things I love:

1. When my score is good and my mom proud of me.
2. My parents give me something I want.
3. Hang out w/ friends!
4. Photoshoot-ing
5. Ice cream? Who hate this? :p
6. Fun and silly novels such as Geronimo Stilton and others
7. Music
8. Traveling
9. Cody Simpson!!
10. Fashion
11. iPod
12. Laptop
13. Watch movies! :D
14. Holiday
15. When the internet connection is fassssst
16. When I go somewhere without my sister.
17. If I'm taller \:D/
18. You ;p
19. When my wishes come trueeeee
20. Umbrella with Japanese girl on it. Special birthday gift everrrr!

Top 20 things I hate:

1. Being fat!!!!
2. When people get mad at me without any reason
3. Being nothing in class.
5. W^%) Y$@'%* W~`( N@! :(
6. When I stay at home for a day. SUPER BORED!
7. When my mom/dad don't let me do something I want
8. When I lost in somewhere
9. Forgotten
10. Bad connection. HELL!
11. Homework(s)
12. When my mom said "stop playing the computer"
13. I can't join something.
14. I can't do what others do.
15. Disturbing me when I'm busy with my computer.
16. over-acting boy and girl. -_-
17. If there's a girl who said that she's 'perfect' in front of others
18. Story about you and you.
20. Aggressive people.

And finally I've finished them all. \:D/

Saturday, May 21, 2011

I'm Back!

Heyhoooo! Udah lama gak buka blog. Lagi gak mood gini -,- haha. Tenang tenang, bentar lagi gua bakal muncul. Tapi gatau kapan, MUEHEHE

Oyaoyaoyayaya! Gua baru aja selesai UH 3. Ya, ulangan harian terakhir di semester 2. Habis ini UKK, habis itu tes Diknas dan akhirnya selesai juga seluruh kewajiban gua di kelas 7. Tinggal nunggu hasil aja, naik kelas apa enggak. Pasti naik lah nilai gua kayanya ga jelek jelek banget -_-

Gini nih, kan kemaren anak sudirman tes lari di Lapangan Atang Kopasus, kebetulaaaan banget bareng anak 49. Gua ketemu Azki sama Mursit. HEHE terus kita tuh lari 400 meter (ngelilingin lapangan) dan disana terdapat 2 kubu yang menggerombol. Karna lari ngelilingin lapangan, berarti gua harus ngelewatin daerah anak 49 dan itu...... Wow crowded banget. Pas giliran gua lari (7F selalu terakhir) itu beh...... horor. Pas masih deket gua disalip banyak banget, terus sampe daerah 49 gua udah mulai ngos-ngosan. Pas udah mau deket.............. YAK! Gua disalip Alia. Hix banget. Dan karena udah deket, zueeeeeeeeeeeng Alia dan Putri gua salip. Jadi urutannya pertama Hani, kedua Fahira, ketiga Naf, dan saya ada di posisi keempat dengan waktu 2 menit 10 detik. Lama banget.

Lalu, kita kembali ke cerita aslinya. Jadi pas UH 3 nilai gua yang paling jelek tuh Physics, dapet 40. Terus BAHASA INDONESIA, 74. Jujur gua gatau kenapa bahasa jadi jelek. Paling bagus? Social duuund \(~^o^)/\(^o^~)/. Yang lainnya mah biasa, 80an. Oiyaaah. Kali ini Biology gua ga remed, dengan nilai pas kkm, 75. Sebenernya kurang puas, tapi yang penting Biology nya ga remed.

Tanggal 30 nanti, gua harus menghadapi UKK. Ini yang nentuin gua naik kelas apa enggak. Jujur, deg-degan. Sooooo, wish me luck!!

Okay ini dulu ya, gue disuruh jemur baju seragam hehe-_-

Monday, May 9, 2011

Gua Korbannya.


Betapa menderitanya gua, kalo duduk pasti ditarik ke belakang sama AGHIS. Dia nih yang pertama mulai narik narik korsi yang gua dudukin. Kenal Aghis? Gak kenal? Oke gua kenalin. Cukup ngeliat foto ya. Nihnihnih.

Sebenernya sih gua tuh udah benci banget sama bocah ini, dari pertama kali masuk sampe sekarang. Tapi mau kaya gimana lagi. Duduknya kalo ulangan di depan gua, dan kalo belajar seperti biasa juga gitu jadi yaudahdeh pasrah-_-


Jadinya beginih. Pertama kali kejadian ini mulai pas pulang sekolah. Terus gua duduk di ujung meja. Eh mejanya ditarik terus tas gua jungkir balik ke depan. Dan gua jatoh dengan keadaan yang sangat ga enak.

Kedua, ohyayayaya kedua bukan gara gara Aghis. Kedua gara gara si Marcell, banci kelas. *peacelopeandgawl. Jadi gua lagi nyatet lagu (pelajarannya pak gw nich) nah pas gua nyatet, tiba tiba korsi yang gua dudukin ditarik dengan kencang dan........... BRAKKKKKKKKKK gua jatoh dengan posisi duduk selonjoran. Dan ini yang paling parah, jantung udah kaya mau copot dan pantat gua sakit banget, ga sembuh sembuh. T^T

KETIGA KEEMPAT KELIMA KEENAM KETUJUH terjadi di hari yang bersamaan, yaitu tanggal 9 Mei, hari pertama UH3. Pas lagi belajar di meja Ghina..... BRAK! Ditarik Aghis. Dan seterusnya. Tulang belekang gua apakabar coba. HHHH-_-

Yang terakhir (sampai hari ini) KEDELAPAN dan KESEMBILAN. Satu lagi dapet piring cantik nih. Kejadiannya bukan pas masuk, tapi setelah ngerjain agama. Seperti biasa, gua ngumpul di mejanya ghina. Nah, seperti biasa pula, dua bocah terlatih ini melakukan aksinya, yaitu menarik kursi saya dan yang lain. Betapa polosnya saya, lagi asik ngobrol labngsung jatoh dengan tampang gak enak. HUOHUO

Oke udah ah dear diary nya-_-


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

It's About My Birthday.

Kemaren! Kemaren! Yesterday!! It was my birthday. Now I'm 13, not 12 anymore. I'M OLLLLLLLD T^T. Jadi, ulang taun gua passssssss banget hari senin. Jadinya gua berencana untuk melakukan hal yang sama kaya pas kelas 6, yaitu bagi-bagi Burger King. Meheheheheeeee dan beginilah ceritanya.

Pertama, dirumah. Kali ini gua bangun pas banget jam 5:30. Setelah mandi terus pake baju seragam, gua ke dapur dan udah ada nasi kuning.

Ini namanya tumpeng nasi kuning.

Ini gueeeh sama tumpengnya ;D

Kalo ini....... ekspresi anak yang lahir tanggal 1 november. bulet banget ya mukanya

Setelah istirahat ke 2, mama masuk untuk ngerayain. Akhirnya, Ma'am aci berkata "Ayo duduk semua!" Dan gua dipanggil kedepan. Inilah keadaan kelas pas ma'am aci nyuruh duduk.

Rapih banget kan? Habis itu, mumpung ada 20 orang gua ngusulin buat foto sekelas.

Finally. We're 20 but why the boys's pose was so.......... awkward. They were not serious! ARGH

Next. Gue ngebagiin burger sama minumnya. Udah kaya tukang jualan gitu-,- dan inilah ekspresi anak anak yang gua kasi crown yang dari Burger King itu.

Fai. Anak yang sempet dicurigai mama.

Sulthan. Dan gara gara itu dia maunya dipanggil Prince Basil.

Ini Pelita. Mukanya yaAllah bahagiaaaaaa banget. -_-

Nano and Hani.

Sekian dulu cerita ultah gua. Oiya btw thanks payung dengan kepala perempuan Japan nya ya hehehehe
Me and ma'am aci :D